Hi! My name is Elise. I'm a wife, mother, vocal artist, teacher, writer, and daughter of the King.
Sometimes I forget to keep that last role first in my heart, but I'm trying my best to embrace 
and live my truest identity.

Here I am with my handsome husband. We were married on a beautiful June day in 2012.
You can read our love story here. It's a good one (not that I'm biased).

We were both born & raised in the midwest, and we met at the University of Michigan (go blue!). After school, we moved across the country to New York City. I always wanted to live in NYC, and I was blessed to work there as a vocal artist + voice teacher. After over seven years "living the dream" we now happily reside back in Michigan with our two precious children.

This is a blog about our journey.

Only our generous and faithful Father knows what is in store for us.
I look forward to sharing my heart with you along the way. I'm so glad you're here!
P.S. Read how I chose my blog name in my first blog entry.


{WEDDING PHOTO: A Thousand Words Photography // LAST FAMILY PHOTO: Jessie Watford Photography}

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  1. I loved your post on how you chose a name for your blog...and I'm a June bride too (6.22.12)! :)

    1. Thank you, Patty. Hooray for June brides! ;)

  2. You are too cute, Elise! Thank you so much for sending me the link to your blog! I LOVE finding other young Catholics through blogging! I look forward to following along and "getting to know you!" :)

  3. Singer and music director?! I love your blog and I am happy for you ( I read your love story), please post on your blog any video with you singing...

  4. Found your sweet blog and followed via Bloglovin! This is so wonderful; thank you so much. I love it!

    Have a blessed Easter!
    ♥ aspirer

  5. 'Ello, dear Elise! Check this out when you have a chance... I've tagged you in a blog tour. :) http://www.iris-hanlin.com/2014/05/blogger-selfie-why-i-write-how-i-write.html

  6. Thank you for your "Today's Devotion" at BlessedIsShe.
    Greetings from Arequipa, Perú :)
    God bless you and your family.
    Natalia (religious novice & SLP!)

  7. Loved your devotion on Blessed is She this morning! "Go Tell it on the Mountain"!! Merry Christmas!

  8. Hello from Illinois Elise!
    Iam a U of I grad who spent many many years in musical theater. Also a loyal Catholic. I want to ask you if you compose music. I may have written the only contemporary musical with a Catholic theme, in many a year, and I am looking for someone to compose the music for already written lyrics( my co-writer is a published poet and Little Sister of Jesus, who follow St. Charles Borromeo, I think) Any interest? Thank you. Bless you Elise, I found you thru Blessed is She.


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